The guidance, developed by Green The Bid and AdGreen, with the help of Film Locker and other post companies in the US, is designed to address the prevalent use of hard drives as single-use items within the commercial production realm. Unlike the film and television industries, where hard drive reuse is common practice, the commercial production industry generally purchases new hard drives for each shoot and then uses them for long term storage of rushes, instead of wiping and using them on the next production.

By endorsing the statement that ‘Enterprise Class’ drives can and should be reused multiple times during the manufacturer’s stated warranty period, provided that they have been wiped and tested before use, the trade bodies have unanimously endorsed the best practice and their commitment to incorporating sustainable practices into production workflows. These are all services Film Locker provides to its clients. 

The urgency for such sustainable measures is underscored by the carbon cost associated with treating hard drives as single use items. The embedded carbon in an average hard drive is around 200-250kg CO2E. Furthermore, the demand for new hard drives places significant strain on the Earth’s natural resources. Our predicted generation of 82 million tons of e-waste by 2030 further underscores the critical need to reduce our footprint from electronic items.

If you would like an alternative to storing long term rushes on hard drives and improve your production workflow please get in touch.   

We are incredibly proud to see the industry taking proactive strides toward a sustainable future, and we look forward to witnessing the positive impact these endorsed best practices have on our collective environmental stewardship. You can read the full guidance here: